Exotic Dancers have one of the most interesting jobs in the world

Exotic dancers have one of the most interesting jobs in the world, possibly because it’s a profession that’s often looked at as taboo and isn’t discussed very often.

We asked strippers in the BuzzFeed Community to share the best, coolest, or wildest secrets and stories about their jobs. Here are the fascinating results.

Note: Obviously, we can’t 100% confirm all of these stories, but these people are allegedly speaking from their own experiences as strippers.

1.”I worked all around the world as a stripper, mostly in major cities. Dancers pay to work. It’s called a stage fee, and girls have to pay it every night. For some clubs, it can be $80, and for others, it’s as low as $10. Some places in Vegas would ask us to hang out with various rich dudes at clubs, and if we did, they’d excuse our stage fees. Mike Tyson was a big customer at one of the clubs I worked at. One night, he ripped off his shirt and stormed up to the DJ booth, and all of our bouncers guarded him. It was wild. Mike Tyson was actually very nice to me. Also, when he gave me his number, he wrote his name as ‘Steve’ so no one would know it was his. I have stories for days.”

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